Apparently, my little fetus (eeek that word is just not pretty) really wants to have an italian mother.
For the past 2 weeks, all I want all the time is spaghetti!
Yesterday for lunch I had spaghetti with simple meat sauce. It was awesome.
Tonight - after a great walk - I got home thinking about what to make myself for dinner since Lee is out.
Here is where I saw the bad side to keeping a well stocked pantry.
I had everything I needed to make a down and dirty, college kid red sauce. And frozen ravioli in the freezer to boot. (where did they come from? no idea).
After seeing all these ingredients, I knew there was no going back to grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Here is my improv on red sauce in a pinch.
1 - 16 oz can tomato sauce
2 cloves of garlic
1/3 of an onion (or less, just whatever you like)
1 palm-full of italian seasoning
pinch of salt (check the can for sodium. may want to just add salt on your plate if you need it)
9-12 ravioli (yes, i counted!)
Start water for ravioli.
Chop onion. Drizzle oil in skillet and throw in onion once the pan is warmed up. Grate garlic with a microplane into skillet (this is my all time favorite way to use garlic).
Once these 2 are happy and acquainted, add the italian seasoning and pep
per. Stir around until you are dancing around the kitchen with the smell!
Add tomato sauce and stir.
Meanwhile, the water should be ready. Add ravioli to water. It only cooks about 7 minutes, which is enough time for the sauce to heat through.
Drain ravioli and add to bowl. Pour as much red sauce as you can possibly stand over the ravioli. Sprinkle with a smidge of cheese.
Whala! 20 minute decent spaghetti, and it was only about 400 calories!
I love marinara (can't you tell?)
I am sure this would have been good over plain spaghetti or whatever pasta you have on hand.
Baby Nash sure knows what it wants. I guess I should be happy it's something that I happen to love.
I better brush my teeth before Lee gets home - that garlic is strong!