Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday Night Porkchops

Last night I made Pork Chops with Mustard Leek sauce. This was my first recipe to post on this food blog. I hate to be redundant, but I often cook things over and over if they are easy and bring us joy and full bellies.

Last night Donald took some photos with his fancy, schmancy camera while I cooked. I thought I would share...
Donald is quite talented with a morter and pesel. He ground the rosemary and tyme into a little powder. Perhaps we should bottle that and sell it.
I served steamed broccolini on the side.
The funny thing is that Donald wasn't real sure what a leek was and what a broccolini was, but knows I have served him both at my house several times. Hopefully, since they were both in the meal, he now knows. Thank you Bunny for taking photos!

1 comment:

Donald said...

the one with the pork on the stove...not happy with that shot. the close-up-macro did something funny with the ones in the background...won't be using that for food again (i think they intended it for something small and close-up, not a dish)


was still yummy!