Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh hi...

I am still here. and still cooking.

But there has been a snaffu. See - we started the organic deal on Saturday and I made a new recipe on Monday - then I hurled all day Tuesday (is it ok to talk about hurling on a food website? sorry.) So part of me wonders... the food? But Lee is just fine. Could be a random bug that just has really bad timing.

We have also found that the organic or "grass fed" meats are a little - tough? The chicken was a bit chewy. We had steak tonight and it was chewy and a little gamey. It wasn't the cooking because Lee rocks at grilling steaks.

For now we are still moving ahead organic on fruits and veggies and just as hormone free as possible on the meats and not near as big of portions of it.

Boo - no photos. Sorry.


Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Sorry you don't feel well! I hope it had nothing to do with the organic fare...I'm sure it didn't :( Hope you're feeling better now and no longer hurling...

Donald said...

It might be. The first time I tried organic bananas, felt ill for a day or two. But haven't had problems with organic foods since. Would chalk it up to "occasionally you run across iffy foods, whether they're organic or not".

LMAO - LOVE DeWitt's comment.

Kara said...

I am sorry to hear your grass fed beef wasn’t great. You might want to try looking on the La Cense Beef website. La Cense is an approved USDA 100% grass fed program. The website has great tips on cooking grass fed beef. They even have tips for grilling that you might not have been aware of. I hope this helps.