Monday, April 4, 2011

Bring on the spring/summer!

There is something about the changing of the seasons that makes me want BBQ chicken.
There is something about the raging of my hormones that makes me want macaroni and cheese.
There is something about the guilt of macaroni and cheese that makes me want green beans.

So - that is what we had for dinner!

I used pepper-jack cheese to make the pasta and MAN, it was super yummy.
I have made this meal many times, last time using Kraft but let me tell you, this was just as easy. I used a basic mac n cheese recipe off Food Network.

Also - I fall prey to my ongoing spaghetti craving at least every other week. I made a nice hearty bolognese sauce last night...I really need to pull out that treadmill...


Pineapples and Pickles said...

I want mac n cheese STAT.

Jaime said...

New follower here... I found you on For The Love of Blogs. You are making me HUNGRY! Everything looks soooo good. I think it's time to make dinner. Thanks for sharing all of this yummy goodness! :-)

Unknown said...

I'm totally having BBQ chiken on the grill and macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight! :) thanks for stopping by today. I'm following now!

Unknown said...

Lee's gas grill is broken so I have just been putting it in the oven at 425 for 45 minutes, adding a little bbq sauce on it for the last 15 min or so. Go forth! Eat BBQ!