Monday, April 25, 2011

Grass fed beef - round 2

A few weeks ago, we tried grass fed beef. Without knowing anything about it, we cooked it like we normally do...

And it was not good folks.

A sweet gal named Kara (who I cannot link up to because her Blogger Profile won't let me see anything!) commented with a website all about grass fed beef and how to cook it! (you can check it out here)

Basically, we marinated it old school (Worcestershire sauce and Cachery's) and cooked it at a lower temperature for less time. Basically 5 minutes each side. Then we didn't cut into it for about 5 minutes.

On the side I served baby bok choy and Mushroom and Pea Orzo (Yay Giada!)

This week Lee is out at a conference, so I will continue my love affair with Peanut Noodles....


Sarah said...

I'm SUCH A big meat fan - this looks DELICIOUS! I didn't know they had 'grass feed meat' - I'll have to look into it! Thanks for sharing :D

Test said...

I LOVE grass fed beef! It's so much better than conventional meat.

I'm a new follower! Come visit!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm dumb but I don't know much about grass fed beef. I've never eaten it (that I know of) so clearly have never cooked it. Where do you get grass fed beef? I must know! (esp now that i know how to cook it thanks to your blog!) :-)

Unknown said...

Jess - We go to the butcher counter at the grocery and it's usually there next to the regular beef. We like that it's not full of hormones and fat. But being a southern, steak lover, the difference in taste takes getting used too but I think in the end it's worth it!