Friday, April 10, 2009

Special Food

I forgot, I am cooking tonight. For 2 special occupants of my house...
Lola and Teddy.

I shall now dictate how to make the perfect meal for my dogs.

2 expectant doggies(even better if you find 2 that need haircuts)

2 bowls Science Diet W/D Kibble:
1 can Science Diet W/D wet food...
You don't want to know what happens if you take them off this food. And if you don't add the wet food, visions of sad puppy eyes will keep you up at night...

Now, mix together with a butter knife (Lee uses a spoon but I find a knife easier)And serve:
That's all it takes. Then Lola will run into the room and rub her beard all over the rug.
And now I have a Dyson for that....

1 comment:

The Riddle Family said...

That's awesome. Glad to know we're not the only ones who serve their doggies a customized meal in fiestaware! The only difference is that we heat theirs up in the micorwave {or else her royal highness, Miss Kiki, refuses to eat}.